Command Switches, like Keyboard Switches, are case-sensitive!

.. some need text-mode, first.

for details and context of each switch, consult Helpfile.HTML, or Helpfile.TXT.

(To revert to your core data, try using the Keyboard Switch, shift+V - Otherwise, you may need to find
appropriate switches to revert back, unless you are able to invoke the V2.05 macro: BACKtoMAIN.dat

THIS LIST gives switches with a leading /, instead of the leading - (hyphen), as seen
in helpfile.txt. This is only because the forward slash / is at the bottom of the
keyboard, rather than a reach over other keys: either / or - serve equally well.

Command switches (version 1.30):
/H : Display this help list in .TXT format.
/HC : Display names of zodiac signs and houses.
/HO : Display available planets and other celestial objects.
/HA : Display available aspects, their angles, and present orbs.
/HF : Display names of astronomical constellations.
/HS : Display information about planets in the solar system.
/HI : Display meanings of signs, houses, planets, and aspects.
/He : Display all info tables together (/Hc/H/Y/HX/HC/HO/HA/HF/HS/HI).
/Q : Prompt for more command switches after display finished.
/Q0 : Like /Q but prompt for additional switches on startup.
/M <1-100> : Run the specified command switch macro.
/M0 <1-100> <string> : Define the specified command switch macro.
/Y : Display help list of less commonly used command switches.

Switches which determine the type of chart to display:
/v : Display list of object positions (chosen by default).
/v0 : Like /v but express velocities relative to average speed.
/w [<rows>] : Display chart in a graphic house wheel format.
/w0 [..] : Like /w but reverse order of objects in houses 4..9.
/g : Display aspect and midpoint grid among planets.
/g0 : Like /g but flag aspect configurations (e.g. Yods) too.
/g0 : For comparison charts, show midpoints instead of aspects.
/ga : Like /g but indicate applying instead of difference orbs.
/gp : Like /g but generate parallel and contraparallel aspects.
/a : Display list of all aspects ordered by influence.
/a0 : Like /a but display aspect summary too.
/a[0]a : Like /a but indicate applying and separating orbs.
/a[0]p : Like /a but do parallel and contraparallel aspects.
/m : Display all object midpoints in sorted zodiac order.
/m0 : Like /m but display midpoint summary too.
/ma : Like /m but show aspects from midpoints to planets as well.
/Z : Display planet locations with respect to the local horizon.
/Z0 : Like /Z but express coordinates relative to polar center.
/Zd : Search day for object local rising and setting times.
/S : Display x,y,z coordinate positions of planets in space.
/l : Display Gauquelin sectors for each planet in chart.
/l0 : Like /l but approximate sectors using Placidus cusps.
/j : Display astrological influences of each object in chart.
/j0 : Like /j but include influences of each zodiac sign as well.
/L [<step>] : Display astro-graph locations of planetary angles. (?)
/L0 [..] : Like /L but display list of latitude crossings too.
/K : Display a calendar for given month. (Live)
/Ky : Like /K but display a calendar for the entire year.
/d [<step>] : Print all aspects and changes occurring in a day.
/dm : Like /d but print all aspects for the entire month.
/dy : Like /d but print all aspects for the entire year.
/dY <years> : Like /d but search within a number of years.
/dp <month> <year> : Print aspects within progressed chart.
/dpy <year> : Like /dp but search for aspects within entire year.
/dpY <year> <years> : Like /dp but search within number of years.
/dp[y]n : Search for progressed aspects in current month/year.
/D : Like /d but display aspects by influence instead of time.
/E : Display planetary ephemeris for given month.
/Ey : Display planetary ephemeris for the entire year.
/EY <years> : Display planetary ephemeris for a number of years.
/e : Print all charts together (i.e. /v/w/g0/a/m/Z/S/l/K/j0/L0/d/D/E).
/t <month> <year> : Compute all transits to natal planets in month.
/tp <month> <year> : Compute progressions to natal in month for chart.
/tr <month> <year> : Compute all returns in month for chart.
/t[p]y <year> : Compute transits/progressions for entire year.
/t[p]Y <year> <years> : Compute transits for a number of years.
/t[py]n : Compute transits to natal planets for current time now.
/T <month> <day> <year> : Display transits ordered by influence.
/Tp <month> <day> <year> : Print progressions instead of transits.
/T[p]n : Display transits ordered by influence for current date.
/P [<parts>] : Display list of Arabic parts and their positions.
/P0 [<parts>] : Like /P but display formulas with terms reversed.
/P[z,n,f] : Order parts by position, name, or formula.
/I [<columns>] : Print interpretation of selected charts.

Switches which affect how the chart parameters are obtained:
/n : Compute chart for this exact moment using current time.
/n[d,m,y] : Compute chart for start of current day, month, year.
/z [<zone>] : Change the default time zone (for /d/E/t/q options).
/z0 [<offset>] : Change the default daylight time setting.
/zl <long> <lat> : Change the default longitude & latitude.
/zt <time> : Set only the time of current chart.
/zd <date> : Set only the day of current chart.
/zm <month> : Set only the month of current chart.
/zy <year> : Set only the year of current chart.
/zi <name> <place> : Set name and place strings of current chart.
/q <month> <date> <year> <time> : Compute chart with defaults.
/qd <month> <date> <year> : Compute chart for noon on date.
/qm <month> <year> : Compute chart for first of month.
/qy <year> : Compute chart for first day of year.
/qa <month> <date> <year> <time> <zone> <long> <lat> : Compute chart automatically given specified data.
/qb <month> <date> <year> <time> <daylight> <zone> <long> <lat> : Like /qa but takes additional parameter for daylight offset.
/qj <day> : Compute chart for time of specified Julian day.
/i <file>: : Compute chart based on info in file.
/i[2,3,4] <file> : Load chart info into chart slots 2, 3, or 4.
/o <file> [..] : Write parameters of current chart to file.
/o0 <file> [..] : Like /o but output planet/house positions.
/os <file>, <file> : Redirect output of text charts to file.

Switches which affect what information is used in a chart:
/R [<obj1> [<obj2> ..]] : Restrict specific bodies from displays.
/R0 [<obj1> ..] : Like /R but restrict everything first.
/R1 [<obj1> ..] : Like /R0 but unrestrict and show all objects.
/R[C,u,U] : Restrict all minor cusps, all uranians, or stars.
/RT[0,1,C,u,U] [..] : Restrict transiting planets in /t lists.
/RA [<asp1> ..] : Restrict aspects.
/C : Include angular and non-angular house cusps in charts.
/u : Include transneptunian/uranian bodies in charts.
/U : Include locations of fixed background stars in charts.
/U[z,l,n,b] : Order by azimuth, altitude, name, or brightness.
/A (Pullen Live)
/Ao <aspect> <orb> : Specify maximum orb for an aspect.
/Am <planet> <orb> : Specify maximum orb allowed to a planet.
/Ad <planet> <orb> : Specify orb addition given to a planet.
/Aa <aspect> <angle> : Change the actual angle of an aspect.

Switches which affect how a chart is computed:
/b : Use ephemeris files for more accurate location computations.
/b0 : Like /b but display locations to the nearest second too.
/c <value> : Select a different default system of houses.
(0 = Placidus, 1 = Koch, 2 = Equal, 3 = Campanus, 4 = Meridian,
5 = Regiomontanus, 6 = Porphyry, 7 = Morinus, 8 = Topocentric, 9 = Alcabitius,
10 = Equal (MC), 11 = Neo-Porphyry, 12 = Whole, 13 = Vedic, 14 = None.)

/s [..] : Compute a sidereal chart instead of the normal tropical chart.
/sr : Compute right ascension locations relative to equator.
/s[z,h,d] : Display locations as in zodiac, hours/minutes, or degrees.
/h [<objnum>] : Compute positions centered on specified object.
/p <month> <day> <year> : Cast 2ndary progressed chart for date.
/p0 <month> <day> <year> : Cast solar arc chart for date.
/p[0]n : Cast progressed chart based on current date now.
/pd <days> : Set no. of days to progress / day (default 365.25).
/x <value> : Cast harmonic chart based on specified factor.
/1 [<objnum>] : Cast chart with specified object on Ascendant.
/2 [<objnum>] : Cast chart with specified object on Midheaven.
/3 : Display objects in their zodiac decan positions.
/f : Display houses as sign positions (flip them).
/G : Compute houses based on geographic location only.
/J : Display wheel charts in Vedic format.
/9 : Display objects in their zodiac navamsa positions.
/F <objnum> <sign> <deg> : Force object's position to be value.
/+ [<days>] : Cast chart for specified no. of days in the future.
/- [<days>] : Cast chart for specified no. of days in the past.
/+[m,y] [<value>] : Cast chart for no. of months/years in future.

Switches for relationship and comparison charts:
/r <file1> <file2> : Compute a relationship synastry chart.
/rc <file1> <file2> : Compute a composite chart.
/rm <file1> <file2> : Compute a time space midpoint chart.
/r[c,m]0 <file1> <file2> <ratio1> <ratio2> : Weighted chart.
/rd <file1> <file2> : Print time span between files' dates.
/rb <file1> <file2> : Display biorhythm for file1 at time file2.
/r0 <file1> <file2> : Keep the charts separate in comparison.
/rp[0] <file1> <file2> : Like /r0 but do file1 progressed to file2.
/rt <file1> <file2> : Like /r0 but treat file2 as transiting.
/r[3,4] : Make graphics wheel chart tri-wheel or quad-wheel.
/y <file> : Display current house transits for particular chart.
/y[b,d,p,t] <file> : Like /r0 but compare to current time now.

Switches to access graphics options:
/k : Display text charts using Ansi characters and color.
/k0 : Like /k but only use special characters, not Ansi color.
/X : Create a graphics chart instead of displaying it as text.
/Xb : Create bitmap file instead of putting graphics on screen.
/Xb[n,c,v,a,b] : Set bitmap file output mode to X11 normal, compacted, very compact, Ascii (bmtoa), or Windows bmp.
/Xp : Create PostScript stroke graphic instead of bitmap file.
/Xp0 : Like /Xp but create complete instead of encapsulated file.
/XM[0] : Create Windows metafile stroke graphic instead of bitmap.
/Xo <file> : Write output bitmap or graphic to specified file.
/Xm : Create monochrome graphic instead of one in color.
/Xr : Create chart graphic in reversed colors (white background).
/Xw <hor> [<ver>] : Change the size of chart graphic.
/Xs <100,200,300,400> : Change the size of map or characters by .
/Xi : Create chart graphic in slightly modified form.
/Xt : Inhibit display of chart info at bottom of graphic.
/Xu : Inhibit display of a border around graphic.
/Xl : Inhibit labeling of object points in chart graphic.
/Xj : Don't clear screen between chart updates, drawing trails.
/X1 <object> : Rotate wheel charts so object is at left edge.
/X2 <object> : Rotate wheel charts so object is at top edge.
/XW : Simply create an image of the world map.
/XW0 : Like /XW but do a non-rectangular Mollewide projection.
/XG [<degrees>] : Display the image of the world as a globe.
/XP : Like /XG but create the globe from a polar projection.
/XF : Display maps as constellations on the celestial sphere.
/Xn [<mode>] : Start up chart or globe display in animation mode. (broken? but see modes below)
/HX : Display list of key press options for screen graphics.
/W <value> : Run given Windows menu command internally. (Live)
/WN <1-32000> : Set animation update delay in milliseconds.
/WM <1-100> <text> : Set Windows menu text for macro command.
/Wn : Don't redraw screen until user forces update.

Obscure command switches (version 1.30):
/Y : Display this help list.
/Yn : Compute location of true instead of mean node.
/Yd : Display dates in D/M/Y instead of M/D/Y format.
/Yt : Display times in 24 hour instead of am/pm format.
/YC : Automatically ignore insignificant house cusp aspects.
/YQ <rows > : Pause text scrolling after a page full has printed.
/Yo : Output chart info and position files in old style format.
/Yc : Angular cusp objects are house positions instead of angles.
/Yl <1-36 > : Toggle plus zone status of sector for sector chart.
/YP <-1,0,1 > : Set how Arabic parts are computed for night charts.
/Yb <days > : Set number of days to span for biorhythm chart.
/YE <obj > <semi-major axis > <eccentricity (3) > <inclination (3) > <perihelion (3)> <ascending node (3)> <time offset (3)> : Change orbit of object to be the given elements.
/YR <obj1> <obj2> <flag1>..<flag2> : Set restrictions for object range.
/YRT <obj1> <obj2> <flag1>..<flag2> : Transit restrictions for range.
/YR0 <flag1> <flag2> : Set restrictions for sign, direction changes.
/YRZ <rise> <zenith> <set> <nadir> : Set restrictions for /Zd chart.
/YAR <asp1> <asp2> <flag1>..<flag2> : Set aspect restrictions for range.
/YAo <asp1> <asp2> <orb1>..<orb2> : Set aspect orbs for range.
/YAm <obj1> <obj2> <orb1>..<orb2> : Set max planet orbs for range.
/YAd <obj1> <obj2> <orb1>..<orb2> : Set planet orb additions for range.
/YAa <asp1> <asp2> <ang1>..<ang2> : Set planet aspect angles for range.
/Yj <obj1> <obj2> <inf1>..<inf2> : Set influences for object range.
/YjC <cusp1> <cusp2> <inf1>..<inf2> : Set influences for house cusps.
/YjA <asp1> <asp2> <inf1>..<inf2> : Set influences for aspect range.
/YjT <obj1> <obj2> <inf1>..<inf2> : Set transit influences for range.
/Yj0 <inf1> <inf2> <inf3> <inf4> : Set influences given to planets
in ruling sign, exalted sign, ruling house, exalted house.
/YJ <obj> <sign> <cosign> : Set sign planet rules and co-rules.
/YJ0 <obj> <sign> : Set zodiac sign given planet exalts in.
/YI <obj> <string> : Customize interpretation for object.
/YIa <sign> <string> : Customize interpretation adjective for sign.
/YIv <sign> <string> : Customize interpretation verb for sign.
/YIC <house> <string> : Customize interpretation for house.
/YIA <asp> <string> : Customize interpretation for aspect.
/YIA0 <asp> <string> : Customize aspect interpretation statement.
/YkC <fir> <ear> <air> <wat> : Customize element colors.
/YkA <asp1> <asp2> <col1>..<col2> : Customize aspect colors.
/Yk0 <1..7> <1..7> <col1>..<col2> : Customize 'rainbow' colors.
/YXC <0 (none) 1 (moire) 2 (web)> <size> <no. lines> : Corner decoration
/YXG <0-2><0-2><0-2><0-3> : Select among different graphic glyphs for Capricorn, Uranus, Pluto, and Lilith.
/YXg <cells> : Set number of cells for graphic aspect grid.
/YXf <val> : Set usage of actual system fonts in graphic file.
/YXp <-1,0,1> : Set paper orientation for PostScript files.
/YXp0 <hor> <ver> : Set paper size for PostScript files.
/z <x> : input x hour(s) - timeshift from present chart-time.
/z <-x> : input x hour(s) + timeshift from present chart-time.
/0[o,i,q,X] : Disallow file output, input, exiting, and graphics.
; : Ignore rest of command line input and treat it as a comment!

Values & Flags

This list gives numbers to follow command switches, according to context

For Command Switches, open Helpfile.HTML

General Note: Brackets, tag- or square-, are not to be typed in, but only the contents alluded to, transformed to a number or abbreviation, e.g. a value, or no. of cells number, an object, (see Word Look-Up, 'objnum', and below), are all represented by numbers. The first three letters of a month jan, can be used or the full name of a dat-file Xxxxx.dat, where <month>, or <file>, are required.

Further explanation can be found in the full Helpfile.TXT or Helpfile.HTML.

HOUSE SYSTEM NUMBERS: replacing <value> which follows the -c switch.
0 = Placidus, 1 = Koch, 2 = Equal, 3 = Campanus, 4 = Meridian, 5 = Regiomontanus, 6 = Porphyry, 7 = Morinus,
8 = Topocentric, 9 = Alcabitius, 10 = Equal (MC), 11 = Neo-Porphyry, 12 = Whole, 13 = Vedic, 14 = None.

OBJECT NUMBERS, replacing <obj>
0 for Earth, 1 for Sun, 2 for Moon, 3 for Mercury, 4 for Venus, 5 for Mars, 6 for Jupiter, 7 for Saturn, 8 for Uranus, 9 for Neptune, 10 for Pluto
11 Chiron, 12 Ceres, 13 Pallas Athena, 14 Juno, 15 Vesta, 16 N.Node, 17 S.Node, 18 Lilith, 19 Pars Fortuna, 20 Vertex, 21 East Point
22 Asc., 23 2nd Cusp, 24 3rd Cusp, 25 I.C., 26 5th Cusp, 27 6th Cusp, 28 Descendant
29 8th Cusp, 30 9th Cusp, 31 M.C., 32 11th Cusp, 33 12th Cusp.
See {Help} > {Objects}, for Uranians' numbers | Star numbers do not work.

ASPECT NUMBERS, replacing <asp>
1 = Conjunc., 2 = Oppos., 3 = Square, 4 = Trine, 5 = Sext., 6 = Inconj., 7 = SemiSx., 8 = SemiSqu., 9 = Sesqui.,
10 = Quint., 11 = BiQuint., 12 = SemiQuint, 13 = Sept., 14 = Nov., 15 = BiNov., 16 = BiSept., 17 = TriSept., 18 = QuadriNov..

COLOUR NUMBERS, replacing <color>
0 =Black, 1 = Maroon, 2 = DkGreen, 3 = Orange, 4 = DkBlue, 5 = Purple, 6 = DkCyan, 7 = LtGray,
8 = DkGray, 9 = Red, 10 = Green, 11 = Yellow, 12 = Blue, 13 = Magenta, 14 = Cyan, 15 = White

MONTH NUMBERS, replacing <month>
1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, 3 = Mar, 4 = Apr, 5 = May, 6 = Jun, 7 = Jul, 8 = Aug, 9 = Sep, 10 = Oct, 11 = Nov, 12 = Dec.

ANIMATION MODES, triggered after -Xn [<value>].
1 = seconds; 2 = minutes; 3 = hours; 4 = days (default); 5 = months; 6 = years; 7 = decades; 8 =centuries; 9 = millennia.

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